Hey Barney,


Hey Barney,

I don't have much to say but I didn't want to get out of the habit of writing to you. Even if it is silly. Even if you'll never actually read it. I had a resubmit on an assignment, apparently if I'd just stuck to a simple answer instead of rambling about hormones I'd have achieved a merit as some of my work is even at distinction level. Well, my oh my, what a bit of a shitter. I got a pass anyway. I wrote a large essay within two days, that's impressive, if we were still together I'd have asked you to get your step dad to send me information. My piece was all about therapy's that psychiatrists use, good times.

So, yeah, I really don't have much to say to you. I still don't understand why you check my snapchat story every hour but I'll let that go.



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