Hey Barney,


Hey Barney,

It's been a while since I have written to you. Since before your birthday, I think. Steph told me to block you the other day and I have since followed her orders. I believe I am ready to really move on. I think I have. I am dating a really lovely guy called Edward. He's pretty smashing. I would say he's even posher than you but it has not actually been an issue. I think it might go far. I do not want to jinx it but, yeah, it is going really well.

Ok, here is a bit of sadness... Shauna's friend was involved in a car accident today. Age 23, a family, kids... pronounced dead. Shauna had to leave work. That's a young age to die. If I were to die age 23, would I want my last years to be all about you? To be sad about you? I would not. So, I won't.

There's not a lot I can think to talk about. You were pretty needy around the time of your birthday and since then we have sort of gone separate ways. You gave me a lift to Stephs and I don't think I felt anything romantic. I saw you when I was out with Ed and I stared at you a bit but it did not really feel like anything. I have not been thinking of you and feeling in love. It has been super weird. I think I honestly am just getting totally over it. I say that a lot but I just do not feel anything as I write this.

It is kind of like I have woken from a dream and none of it was real.

Thank you for the good bits and the bad bits and everything in between.

Sorry I never said goodbye. Sorry that you'll just assume I blocked you because there is a new guy in my life. You'd be kind of right but also it's time. It's time to end this nonsense. We can rebuild our lives apart and find some sort of happiness.

Love does not conquer all. I was wrong. Or maybe it wasn't love.

Maybe this is us growing apart to grow up, then to come back together.
Maybe this is us relealising that our relationship was nothing but a life lesson.
Maybe this is the start and the end all at once.

It was so good while it lasted, even the horrendous parts.

I love you Barney, if not as a life long partner, as a dear friend who helped me to become something better.

You did better me.

Goodbye Barney,

I love you, I really, forever, do. 


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