


What a life you have given me. That short while of perfection was worth all of the bull crap and pain that followed. We had our infinity and it did not last but it was everything. You really play with my mind. You play with my heart and emotion. It has got me inspired though, I'm writing a bit of a song. Inspired by and you. I love this website and what it means, it reminded me of your mum. Usually I'd tell you about it but I'll not talk to you. So, if ever you decide to read this you should show that to her.

"I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around. My faith in you was fading when I met you on the outskirts of town and I said 'Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you but you never come. Is this in my head? I don't know what to think.'" - Taylor Swift.

I feel like I said so much last night so I need not say more. You were so upset and annoyed at the thought of my dating someone you know. I'm going to date people. You made me hang out with you, you upset me. You built up my hopes and knocked them down. If you want me in your life, enough, you need to give me more than this. It's a tortured friendship at best! You cannot be what I need. You want me in your life and that is not enough for me. When I say I'm moving on it does not mean I do not love you. It means that I need to focus less on you and more on me. You know you hold me back and I have allowed it so far but this is a joke. I can not wait for you forever. When you become brave or stupid, talk to me and we can try and make it work. I doubt that will ever happen. I asked you if you loved me and you could not answer. If you care so much just do something about it. This is too much pain, I know I can be horrific and I understand your reluctance but damn even I do not deserve this ache in my heart. I physically feel the pain in my chest. I disagreed last night but yes, you are an awful person.

Well this would have been longer but dad keeps talking to me. Such is life. You know where you went wrong anyway. Be brave or back off.

Oh and by the way, fuck off.

I'll post your stuff and our stuff and my stuff.

Love always, regrettably,


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